Tips Every Busy Girl Should Know

Hello beautiful!!!

We are all busy women…single, married with children, even grand mothers… so I put together some ideas to make life a little easier. Rest assured that each tip I share I have personally tried and use.

Let’s begin with rest. What I like to do in the evening, long before I even think of cozying under my blankets, is to choose my outfit for the next day. Check your weather forecast and choose your outfit accordingly. Iron, or better yet steam your clothing, that way everything will be nice and crisp when you put it on. Don’t forget to pick out all your accessories!

Now that all that is taken care of it’s time for some down time. I know many women who have a hard time with this. But you will feel more relaxed if you do something special for yourself… read, do yoga, listen to soothing music, or journal. Do something that you love. This is your time. I like to light flameless candles and listen to audio books. So comforting. Sweet dreams!!!

Mornings should not be filled with to do lists. Instead of stressing once your alarm sounds, why not try praying or meditating. Both of these help calm your spirit and put you in a positive frame of mind.

During the work/school day, be sure to take some calming breaths periodically. This greatly reduces stress. Or take a short walk during your lunch. Getting outside is also a good way to rejuvinate you. Nothing like fresh air and sunshine!

After work/school try to do chores right away because the longer we sit in front of the tv binge watching shows or scrolling through social media on our phones, the less likely we will complete any housework. (Anyone else guilty of this?!)

Spend more time with family and friends. It’s a great way to unwind and build lasting bonds.

Before bed, count your blessings!

Let me know what works for you or if you have any great tips please leave them in the comments section below!

💋 Debra

* All photos found on Pinterest*